

Committee for SC/ST

Plassey College has always upheld the spirit of the Indian Constitution in providing equal opportunities to all sections of society in the sphere of higher education, especially to the students coming from the SC and ST communities. As Article 14 of our Constitution amply postulates, “The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.”. The college remains committed to the spirit of the Constitution in protecting the rights of students from these sections.

Reservation Rules

View Reservation Rules, 3rd January 2014

Members of SC/ST Cell

  1. Mr Chandan Barman (Convenor)
  2. Dr Probir Kumar Baidya
  3. Smt Indrani Dutta
  4. Mr Abhijit Halder
  5. Mr Subhadip Ghosh


  1. To guide and support the SC/ST students of Plassey College in managing their academic and personal issues.
  2. To ensure a safe and healthy environment for the students.
  3. Immediate redressal of grievance related to issues or incidents within the college campus.
  4. To uphold the rights of students and follow reservation rules as stated in the Indian Constitution.
  5. Keeping SC/ST students informed about scholarships and stipends offered by the State or Central Government, the UGC and other agencies.

Important Links:

  1. Ministry of Tribal Affairs
  2. National Commission for Scheduled Caste
  3. National Commission for Scheduled Tribe

Minority Cell

Minority cell of the college was established with the purpose of empowering the minority communities in the college. “Every student has a right of education” by following the fact our institute is very much keen to provide services to the educational and cultural needs of the Minority community along with other caste, creed and Nationality. The Minority Cell basically helps minority students including Christian, Muslim, Jain, Buddhists etc. for their academic development.

Objectives of the Cell:

  1. To enhance equal opportunities for education of minorities.
  2. To facilitate financial support to students from minority communities from governmental agencies and other sources.
  3. To make the minority students regarding various scholarships program of State Government and UGC.
  4. To take such follow up measures for achieving the objectives and targets laid down for the purpose by the Government of India and the UGC.
  5. To ensure provisions for an environment where all such students feel safe and secure.
  6. To encourage enrolling for career orientation programs which would empower and equip them with the necessary skills to choose a career option.
  7. To provide prompt counseling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any event at the campus.
  8. To ensure protection and reservation as provided in the constitution of India.
Members of the Minority Cell
Dr Abu Siddik Convenor
Smt Tanviara Mohammad Member
Md. Mirja Mohammad Member
Smt Sumila Khatun Member

Important Links:

  1. National Commission for Minorities
  2. Minority Affairs and Madrasa Education Department

Grievance Redressal Committee

Plassey College puts emphasis on a well-meaning mechanism policy to motivate and encourage students in their cultural, academic, moral pursuits in concurrence with the UGC regulations. For stakeholders of the college, the Grievance Redressal Cell attempts to augment a cordial and unbiased ambience in the college premises. It gives due credence to any grievance or complaints made by anyone regarding the institution’s functions, although it considers student complaints with due seriousness.

Objectives of Grievance Redressal Cell:

  1. To construct a well-defined framework for institutional resolution of students and other stakeholder complaints.
  2. To ensure that the complaints of the stakeholders are resolved in a free and fair manner.
  3. To objectively ascertain the source of the complaint.
  4. To aware students about their responsibilities and initiatives.
Members of the Grievance Redressal Cell
Smt Sreelogna Dutta Banerjee Convenor 7003973455
Dr Dola Sarkar Member 99831119724
Dr Probir Kumar Baidya Member 9239143727
Mr Chandan Barman Member 9883730360
Dr Junazar Islam Member 9874191398
Smt Tanviara Mohammmad Member 9733816754
Smt Chaitali Biswas Member 7063530047
Smt Sumila Khatun Member 7479188016

Meeting Resolution:

Sl. No Title Download
1 Grievance Redressal Meeting Resolution Download

Internal Compliant Committee

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act,2013 2013 implemented by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India. The Ministry of Human Resource Development via notification dated 2nd May 2016 made University Grants Commission (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of Women employees and students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulation, 2015. It is a comprehensive legislation to provide a safe, secure, and enabling environment, free from sexual harassment to every woman. This statute was enacted to fill the legislative void which had been partially addressed by the judiciary in Vishaka and Others v. State of Rajasthan and Others (1997 (7) SCC 323). In this seminal public interest litigation verdict, the Supreme Court of India had framed a set of guidelines (“Vishaka Guidelines“) for dealing with instances of sexual harassment at the workplace, which has now been codified in the POSH Act.

Under the POSH Act, an employer is legally required to comply with certain statutory requirements. One of these is the constitution of an Internal Complaints Committee (“ICC “), a body envisaged to receive complaints on sexual harassment at the workplace from an aggrieved woman, as well as to inquire into and make recommendations to the employer on the action required pursuant to its inquiry of such complaint made.

UGC Regulation states the responsibility of HEIs to act decisively against all gender-based violence against employees and students of all sexes and to reinforce its commitment to creating its campus free from discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and any form of sexual assault.

According to Supreme Court Guidelines Sexual Harassment can be defined as unwelcome sexually determined behavior whether directly or by implication as

  1. Physical contact and advances
  2. Demand or request for sexual favours
  3. Making sexually coloured remarks
  4. Showing pornography
  5. Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or nonverbal conduct of sexual nature.

Objective and Role of ICC:

  1. To take consistent action for Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Complaint received regarding sexual harassment, gender discrimination of women employee at Workplace.
  2. Prevent gender discrimination and sexual harassment by promoting gender sensitization among the students and employees.
  3. Make recommendations to the administration to lay down the procedures for the prohibition, resolution, and prosecution of acts of discrimination and sexual harassment by the student and the employee.
  4. Deal with the cases of discrimination and sexual harassment of a women employee in a time bound manner aiming at ensuring support services to the victim and termination of harassment.
  5. Recommend appropriate punitive action against the guilty party.
  6. Constantly keep a vigil on the internal processes to check on the safety parameters for women workers especially.
  7. Recommend to the employer on changes that needs to be incorporated in various policies, processes and procedural matters related to safety of employees/prevent any kind of sexual harassment from taking place.
List of ICC Members
Dr Dola Sarkar Presiding Officer
Dr Probir Kumar Baidya Teaching Faculty
Smt Tanviara Mohammmad Teaching Faculty
Mr Rakesh Chakraborty Teaching Faculty
Mr Abhijit Halder Teaching Faculty
Smt Nargis Sultana Non-Teaching Staff
Sukanta Sarkar Sarkar Non-Teaching Staff
Smt Shefali Khatun Chairman, Kaliganj Panchayet Samiti, Debagram, Kaliganj, Nadia
Smt Soma Modak NGO MemberNGO Member

Meeting Resolution:

Sl. No Title Download
1 ICC Meeting Resolution Download

Anti-ragging Cell (ARC)

Anto-Ragging Committee is the supervisory and Advisory Committee in preserving aa culture of Ragging Free Environment in the college campus. The Anti-Ragging Committee is involved in designing strategies and action plans for curbing the menace of ragging in the college by adopting an array of activities.

Objectives of ARC:

Ragging is a humiliating social crime.

The foremost objectives of ARC are:

  1. To prevent and protect the student community from being ragged or indulging in the act of ragging.
  2. To bring awareness among the students about the ill effects of ragging, its impact on human lives and consequences of involvement in the act of ragging.
  3. To receive the complaints and resolve them through the ARC.
  4. To initiate legal actions when required considering the intensity of ragging instances.
Members of the Anti-Ragging Committee
Dr Junazar Islam Convenor Contact-9874191398
Dr Abu Siddik Member Contact-995930269801
Dr Dola Sarkar Member Contact- 98311197724
Mr Chandan Barmann Member Contact- 9883730360

Meeting Resolution:

Sl. No Title Download
1 Anti ragging resolution Download

Committee for OBC Cell

Plassey College has always upheld the spirit of the Indian Constitution in providing equal opportunities to all sections of society in the sphere of higher education, especially to the OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) who have identified as the most backward groups. The Backward Class Cell was established to support and empower the students of our college belonging to the backward section of society. As Article 14 of our Constitution clearly demonstrates, “The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.” The Indian Constitution includes Article 340 which ensures the protection and development of the backward section. The college remains committed to the spirit of the Constitution in protecting the rights of students hailing from the category.

Reservation Rules

View Reservation Rules, 3rd January 2014

Members of OBC Cell

  1. Sri Subhadip Ghosh (Convenor)
  2. Smt Indrani Dutta
  3. Sri Ankur Biswas
  4. Sri Subhendu Biswas


  1. To guide and support the OBC students of Plassey College in managing their academic and personal issues.
  2. To ensure a safe and healthy environment for the students.
  3. Immediate redressal of grievance related to issues or incidents within the college campus.
  4. To uphold the rights of students and follow reservation rules as stated in the Indian Constitution
  5. Keeping OBC students informed about scholarships and stipends offered by the State or Central Government, the UGC and other agencies.

Important Links:

  1. National Commission for Backward Class
  2. Government of West Bengal Backward Classes Welfare Department and Tribal Development